Someone to Write an Essay:

пʼятниця, 22 липня 2011 р.

What is an essay about?

I woke up 2 hours ago after a sleep of 2 hours. For now I feel fine. Would feel better after I get done with this essay. Writing always was my weak point as I lack imagination. Or don't I? I used to write really good essays at school and I enjoyed this occupation. It flew like a stream, page after page. Probably the reason is that I was inspired by the book or some historical episode.

At history classed we used just a mechanical writing, training our memory and hidden notes. But at World Literature classes... Wooouha here I go wild. My classmates used to have problems with writing summaries, opinions, etc. And I never could get it. My imagination was allright.

Probably I experience difficulties at college with essay writing because it has to be in English. And I don't feel like I can use decent idioms, that makes me ashamed of my future text. So I go to write nothing at all. Isn't it stupid? I would better come over myself, my fears and so on!

Now let's talk about books. What is a book review? That is your feedback about some other human creation, long hours work, his/her passion, feelings, thoughts.... this is endless. You can think of plenty of things that the writer requires and puts into his text.

Is there anything more useless than wasting your time, sitting in front of the screen, doing a meer nonsense? What I want to do, apart of writing college essays? Something useful. Something that will contribute to the world's well being. I want to help people be happy. That's not going to happen while I am sitting in this room.
Go ahead, buy a one way ticket. Do not think. Do not judge. Do not make predictions. Just make sure you are highly qualified in custom writing.

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