Someone to Write an Essay:

пʼятниця, 15 липня 2011 р.

How I Wrote My Essay on Sidney Sheldon

Really like Sidney Sheldon and his books, you can not stop reading it. The most interesting is that you never know what will happen next and what will be the end.

Mysteriously, but being a man, he describes the women’s fate very well, and men usually are like scoundrels.

But it's not the point. The main thing is the constant voltage, the unpredictability of the plot.He knows how to keep the plot. If you are on half of the book, and took her to read before bedtime - you won't sleep.One drawback of all of his books are similar, a woman who always independent and successful in their careers and love.

When I read another book, I always imagine myself. And I want to be so, or just to be like these women. I am very worried when something bad happens and glad when something good happens.

Sidney Sheldon, as I know, always wanted to be a screenwriter. And when Hollywood was like 50 years ago he was one of the greatest one.

Most of all I liked his book Anger of angels, so unexpected was the fact that main character's son is dead, I was reading and crying like a child.

To be honest it was the first time I cried while reading the book.

It is considered that his books are detective stories, but I would not say so, they have so much drama that I would rather say it’s trilerry and detective novels and romance novels.

People have always loved him. His books are bought up from the counter very fast, he is loved and will always be, I attribute his books to the Classics, to my Classics.

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